Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
When I started this blog a few years ago, it was with the intent to share our grief journey with you. And that I have done. From the toughest moments to some of our sweetest moments, you have read about them all. Tonight I am continuing to write but about a new journey we are that started October 4th, 1999, the day I became a Mom.
A Mom...I had wanted to be a Mom since I was a little girl. God blessed Mike and I with Quinci over 14 years ago. I was devastated the day we found out she would have struggles throughout her life because of spina bifida. She has brought us all so much joy. We know this wasn't God's plan for her life, but we do know that He is our Healer and Rock through it all. Lately, Kevin and I have been boldly praying for Him to bless her with a miracle, the kind of miracle that most Christians only think happened over 2000 years ago. He is the same God today, yesterday, and tomorrow. God makes miracles everyday and many go unnoticed as a miracle from Him. I have always known that Quinci would touch people in ways that were extra special. I can see her having an amazing testimony to share someday!
So, I tell you where we are now and why. Because of spina bifida, she has a limited sense of feeling in her legs. Three weeks ago, she was taking a shower using her hand-held shower head and noticed the water was too hot. Instead of turning it to cooler water or turning it off, or even getting out of the shower, she called for one of her sisters to turn it to cooler water. She placed the shower head down by her legs (she sits in the shower on her knees so the water pooled around her) and waited for her sister to come in which took a little while because she was using the other shower. Anyway, Quinci continued on by finishing her shower and called for me to help her get dressed. And, that's when I discovered a sight I never want to see....two precious legs burnt from the knee down. The water was so hot just running along side her legs that unfortunately she couldn't feel it. We took her to the ER and followed up with her pediatrician everyday for the next week and then twice a week for the next two. The burns weren't healing as fast as he would have liked so he referred us to the University of Iowa hospital burn unit. The burn doctor examined her and immediately explained that she needed skin grafts with a 7 to 10 day hospital stay. Once again, I was blown a fog. Kevin and I had been caring for them for three weeks and they were healing, but because of compromised circulation, they weren't healing fast enough and they needed grafts. We made the trip the very next day for skin grafts taken from her upper thighs for her lower legs.
The biggest blessing of all...she is not in pain from the burns or the donor sights. Usually, skin grafts are very painful. We do realize, however, that IF she could have felt the hot water in the first place, we wouldn't be here. We can't look back, so for now we are counting this as a blessing.
This is a new journey for us. A journey that Kevin and I haven't traveled before. One that he knew he would probably be on at some point being her dad, but not one either one of us had wanted. We knew she was going to have some expected surgeries coming up for her independence, but this...a complete accident. Kevin has been amazing through it all. He helped me with wrapping her legs every morning before work/school and every evening before bed. He helped her transfer in and out of her wheelchair (she hasn't been able to wear her leg braces and needed extra help) and he helped her get up on her bed. It's not easy transferring a young adult, in fact, it's a lot of physical work at times. Everyday I thank God for Kevin for so many reasons but lately I realize at what perfect timing in our lives He blessed the girls and I with Kevin.
While I stay at the hospital with Quinci, Kevin travels daily (3 hr round trip) to see us while his parents pick the little girls up from school, feed them dinner, and help with the nightly routine until Daddy gets home for tucking in at night. I have so many things to be thankful for through these past couple of days. The Lord continues to show up and amaze me with His love....even when I wonder "why are we here and why are we going through this?" I learned through grieving Mike's death to ask God "why" is to question Him, and if I am questioning Him, am I trusting Him?
The biggest blessing of all...she is not in pain from the burns or the donor sights. Usually, skin grafts are very painful. We do realize, however, that IF she could have felt the hot water in the first place, we wouldn't be here. We can't look back, so for now we are counting this as a blessing.
This is a new journey for us. A journey that Kevin and I haven't traveled before. One that he knew he would probably be on at some point being her dad, but not one either one of us had wanted. We knew she was going to have some expected surgeries coming up for her independence, but this...a complete accident. Kevin has been amazing through it all. He helped me with wrapping her legs every morning before work/school and every evening before bed. He helped her transfer in and out of her wheelchair (she hasn't been able to wear her leg braces and needed extra help) and he helped her get up on her bed. It's not easy transferring a young adult, in fact, it's a lot of physical work at times. Everyday I thank God for Kevin for so many reasons but lately I realize at what perfect timing in our lives He blessed the girls and I with Kevin.
While I stay at the hospital with Quinci, Kevin travels daily (3 hr round trip) to see us while his parents pick the little girls up from school, feed them dinner, and help with the nightly routine until Daddy gets home for tucking in at night. I have so many things to be thankful for through these past couple of days. The Lord continues to show up and amaze me with His love....even when I wonder "why are we here and why are we going through this?" I learned through grieving Mike's death to ask God "why" is to question Him, and if I am questioning Him, am I trusting Him?