Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pictures Speak Or Do They?

Pictures Speak 1,000 Words Or No Words At All

Many of you are not going to agree with this post and wonder why I did what I did yesterday, but just stick with me.

The night after Mike's accident, the officer that investigated his accident came to our house to speak to me about how it all happened and to return Mike's wallet and cell phone. (He had to go through his cell to be sure he wasn't using it at the time of the accident, which he wasn't.) He also mentioned that night, over two years ago, that he had taken pictures at the scene for the investigation and that he didn't suggest me looking at them at that time, but they would be on file forever if I ever wanted to see them. I have kept this in the back of my head all along, but never feeling the "need" to see them......until about 2 months ago.

I started to feel a churning inside me of wanting to see the pictures. I have had a picture in my mind, but that's all it was..."my picture" and not the truth. I prayerfully sought the Lord and told Him that if indeed this churning in my heart was from Him, then light it on fire, otherwise, put it out. The desire continued....

I spoke to two of my dear friends about me seeing the pictures, they had went to the car on the day of the accident to clean it out and recover all of our personal belongings. They had different views on friend was still deeply affected by it and my other friend found peace in going and even said, "I felt like it was Mike's ejection seat to heaven." I continued to pray and talked it over with my new blessing from God ( I won't mention his name on my blog, quite yet). He made me promise to him that I would not go unless he was with me. He wanted to be by my side during such a time as this. We talked about the pro's and con's of going and what may or may not come from it. More grieving? More sadness? But, in my head, I wanted a factual picture of the accident, Mike's car, and the semi. I didn't anticipate even crying, I just wanted to SEE the facts of the accident.

I made a phone call to the sheriff's department and left a message for the officer and just a few days later...there I sat looking at the pictures.

Yesterday was the day, at 4:00pm we met so I could see what I needed to see. I sat there with two blessings by my side. ( My dad came with us too.) Before the pictures were viewed, the officer showed me a scale diagram of the accident and all that had occurred that sunshiny April morning, where they hit and how they landed. It was amazing in a way I can't even put to words. The impact was so hard and the debris everywhere was overwhelming. The first picture handed to me was of Mike's car. It was SO much worse than the image in my head. But, reality hit me and said, "Why wouldn't it be this bad?" The semi was not in much better shape. We looked at three packs of pictures filled with all of the details of the accident. I only asked one question about what was on the car in one of the pictures. Otherwise, I sat and embraced it all.

I feel so bad for the EMT's, firemen, and policemen to be called to a scene such as that. The people driving to work and school that morning will never forget what they saw. I pray for all of them to be released of the sight they endured that morning and for God to heal their hearts as He has ours.

I will NEVER regret going and looking at those pictures yesterday. It was so healing and now, I have "the facts" and the correct picture in my mind. I finally got to see Mike's "ejection seat to heaven". And, I know someday...I will see him again, too!


  1. Wow Carrie I got tears reading this but I know it made you feel better seeing that! What a story to have to share, but I would have wanted to see them also. God Bless you and having the courage to do this~~

  2. Carrie...I will never forget that sunny morning either...the three people I love most in this world were on that same that same time...I was at home getting ready for work while my daughter Nikki was heading to Aledo to husband Bill was heading home from third shift at Monsanto in Muscatine heading towards daughter Kandi was heading from Aledo to work in Muscatine...I received a call about an one knew any didn't bother me at first...but...then my mom instinct kicked in fearing it was one of my girls...I started calling...none of the three answered their phones...I called and called and called...I felt then it was one of them and the others were at the scene of the accident...I was praying the whole time for it not to be anyone I knew...but I feared it was...I was racing out of the door when I finally received a call from one of them...they had seen the other two...they were all fine...the girls were each trapped on either side of the accident and couldn't get through...Bill is on the fire department and had stopped to heart was filled with joy...that is until I received word that indeed it was someone we such a small and close community the chances of us not knowing were broke my heart to hear that it was your husband...such a loving and caring family man...leaving behind a family who needed him so much...I am so very proud of you and how you have been able to carry on in such a way as to help yourself and everyone around you...I know Mike is in heaven watching over you and his girls every single day...God bless you all...

  3. How faithful is our God that He waited until you were ready to see what you needed to see and to place your special someone alongside of you when you did it!

  4. God's gentle leading . . . thank you for sharing this place He's brought you to.
