Monday, May 7, 2012

Relationships (Gma's 82nd bday)

Priceless Relationships

Today our family will be celebrating my grandma's 82nd birthday.  She is an amazing woman.  She is known around town by many as she worked in the public for several years.  Her and my grandpa raised me after my parents divorced at age 5.  I can't tell you how blessed I am to have had the opportunity to be with them all of those years.  They have helped mold me into who I am today.  She is the most loving person and doesn't see wrong in anyone.  (We tease her because she thought O.J. Simpson was innocent all those years!  LOL)  Her life IS being with us and taking care of our needs.  That is what has "kept her going" all of these years.  She loves every minute of it!  

Which makes me reflect upon all of the relationships I have now since Mike died and how some have faded and some have grown.  For the most part, most have grown.  The day he died and for days to come, I saw and heard from people I hadn't for several years.  His death has restored many friendships and for that I am forever grateful.  Some widows mention of how they are "alone" and without the connection of friends, my heart hurts for them.  God has blessed me more than I could have ever imagined with friends and family helping in every dimension.  He always meets my needs, no matter what with someone there to help.  Help of any kind....from physical help to emotional help of listening or giving advice.  I am truly blessed with the relationships I have today.  

These relationships will never replace the relationship Mike and I had as husband and wife, but they are priceless in so many other ways.  I will always remember each and every one of these friendships and the importance of it and how it has touched me and my girls.

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