Thursday, May 31, 2012

Still Learning

Still Learning...

There have been several things around the house I have found that only a man can do and do well. I have experienced two of them this past week.

After watering my plants outside the front of our house, I attempted to hang the hose up correctly, but after stepping back and seeing the mess I had created....I tried again and again and FINALLY left it! The front of our house screams "no man lives here"! See, my husband was a "neat freak" and everything had it's place and was close to perfect. No so much anymore! Mike would have had that hose hanging perfect in no time! I realize that women can hang a hose, but sometimes...guys just "get it" and can do it right!

I have only used our grill one other time myself since Mike died and tonight was the second. We had t-bone steaks left in the freezer from buying our quarter beef and I thought, "the girls and I need to treat ourselves"! After two attempts of turning the grill on and finally reading the instructions right in front of me...IT IGNITED! I turned it on low and stood there watching my sweet 4 year old play in the yard. I decided I would pull some weeds while the steaks were cooking...wrong idea! I came back to a HUGE fire! After shutting everything off and the flames finally going out, I started over! Our steaks were delicious and we enjoyed them very much! I had to learn the hard way...stay AT the grill! Lots and lots of woman grill and do an excellent job at it, but at this house, I need more practice!

I took things for granted when Mike was here, but I have learned more and more about being independent and if the hose is crooked and looks ridiculous...let it go...and if the grill is on fire...figure out plan B for supper~


  1. Great insight in a positive way. You are a joy!

  2. Okay this made me laugh! Because..........I can't hang the hose up correctly or grill without fire, burning the food, and whatever. You're right, some things men just do the best. Thanks!
